Victorian Green Bonds

Victoria is reinstating the award winning Greener Government Buildings Program, which will significantly reduce greenhouse emissions across a number of government buildings and infrastructure.

Funded with $33 million from the recently issued Victorian Green Bonds, the program will save up to $100 million in the longer term by improving building efficiency and slashing energy use.

The program will see:

- Improved systems and technologies at Gordon TAFE in Geelong, and Peninsula Health facilities;
- Replacement of all Victoria’s freeway lighting with efficient and long-lasting LED technology; and
- Installation of solar power and highly efficient LED lighting in hundreds of Victorian schools and regional healthcare facilities.

These investments are estimated to result in the abatement of 25,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases every year. That’s equivalent to 5,500 cars, or 3,600 households.

Money saved on energy bills will repay the initial investment in just five years, and will continue to save energy for years to come.

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